Merger control

We have extensive experience in obtaining merger approvals from both the European Commission, the Danish competition authorities and other foreign competition authorities. We have a strong track record in handling complex and multi-jurisdictional merger cases and second-to-none experience in solving difficult phase 1 and phase 2 cases, whether they involve commitments or not.

The merger control rules play an increasing role in transactions, putting deal certainty under pressure. We assist in making the pre-merger screenings that are necessary to establish if the transaction is likely to be approved - subject to commitments, as applicable - and we make sure that the required permissions are obtained in a fast and smooth manner.

As a first step in the merger control process, we conduct a realistic feasibility analysis. The purpose is to give the parties an indication of the likely outcome, both in terms of timing and in terms of substance, including the need for commitments.

We are available with advice early in the process in cooperation with the transaction lawyers. We help plan the process, setting both primary and alternative strategies to ensure a successful outcome. Sometimes, however, the merger control process takes an unexpected turn. If that happens, we have the experience necessary to get the process back on track for clearance.

We coordinate multi-jurisdictional filings on a regular basis and draw on our international network of competition lawyers and economic advisers to obtain approvals worldwide.


Jens Munk Plum
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 44 11
Mob. +45 21 21 00 22
Erik Bertelsen
Partner (Aarhus)
Dir. +45 38 77 43 11
Mob. +45 20 19 74 12
Morten Kofmann
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 43 35
Mob. +45 24 86 00 40