Searches and dawn raids

Kromann Reumert assists with the handling of dawn raids. Our assistance includes instant advice and assistance on site. We also assist with preparing search and dawn raid handbooks to prepare organisations for all eventualities.

Searches and dawn raids are typically conducted without prior notice in cases where authorities suspect non-compliance with sanctions or competition rules or suspects tax evasion or other criminal offences. 

Dawn raids and searches are carried out by competition or other mandated authorities or the police, including the Danish State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime (SØIK), and are often based on a court order obtained prior to the search. The court order defines the legal foundation and framework for the search and must be handled with care. Dawn raids may also be carried out by other authorities, e.g. the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority, and the Danish Business Authority, within areas where they have authority to do so.

It is important that companies are thoroughly prepared if and when the authorities suddenly come to visit. Employees and managers must know how to react and which specific actions the company can and may perform. Otherwise there is a risk that information and privileged material outside the scope of the search or dawn raid are shared with the authorities; and this may later have an adverse effect on the company or subsequent proceedings. 

Dawn raid response plans

We have developed various standard dawn raid response plans and guidelines which we can adapt to suit any company. We also conduct professional presentations on the subject and carry out so-called "mock dawn raids" to test the effectiveness of response plans.

In order for companies to get through a search or a dawn raid in the best possible way and to be adequately prepared for any subsequent proceedings, it is a condition that the proper search and dawn raid response plans are in place. Kromann Reumert has years of experience in handling searches and dawn raids and in securing the necessary response plans. 

Our advice 

Our advice includes:

  • handling of and assistance in responding to searches and dawn raids
  • enforcement of legal privilege
  • examination of search basis and seized documents
  • handling of subsequent communication and cases vis-a-vis the authorities
  • drafting of search and dawn raid guidelines
  • subsequent representation in the case.


Hans Jakob Folker
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 46 23
Mob. +45 61 61 30 09