Trade secrets

Kromann Reumert provides specialist advice on trade secrets in all legal areas.

Technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate. Information is increasingly being perceived and traded as an asset, and more and more Danish companies are looking for business opportunities abroad. Protecting your trade secrets has never been more important. 

Kromann Reumert’s specialist team can help your company protect valuable trade secrets against misappropriation. 

Our team consists of experienced litigators who are adept at conducting cases involving complex technology and leading corporate criminal law, employment law and marketing law experts.

Our advice 

We advise on all aspects of trade secrets, including:

  • identification of trade secrets that should be protected
  • internal investigations into potential trade secret misappropriation
  • internal investigations into potential criminal activities involving trade secrets
  • court and arbitration proceedings involving trade secrets
  • confidentiality agreements, non-disclosure agreements with employees and licence agreements relating to trade secrets
  • staff compliance and training sessions on the importance of secrecy.


Nicolaj Bording
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 45 87
Mob. +45 61 63 54 38
Kristian Storgaard
Partner (Aarhus)
Dir. +45 38 77 44 70
Mob. +45 20 19 74 10