Outbound M&A

When Danish entities buy or sell businesses abroad, they frequently invest a high level of resources in finding local lawyers and gaining an understanding of the target or acquiring business and its activities.

We have extensive experience in transactions beyond Denmark's borders and are the only Danish member of the international lawyer organisation Lex Mundi - which gives us access to over 20,000 lawyers in 160 of the world's leading law firms.

We are closer to our Danish clients' businesses than foreign-based lawyers. But then there is a need for local resources, we have a strong international network that positions us well to select the best lawyers. We inform them in detail about the transaction, and ensure they maintain an overview of developments until the conclusion of the sale or purchase. This means that we can add value and minimise risk during the process.

Our work includes:

  • acting as a representative for the business
  • process planning and project management 
  • coordinating the information flow to any foreign-based lawyers
  • collecting and setting up data rooms
  • coordinating the due diligence process
  • merger control
  • foreign direct investment control (FDI)
  • ensuring that the relevant authorities and foreign-based lawyers receive the necessary documentation
  • drafting and negotiating transaction documents and related documents
  • drafting and negotiating financing documents.


Christina Bruun Geertsen
Managing Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 43 26
Mob. +45 20 10 63 69
Peter Ketelsen
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 43 01
Mob. +45 21 26 53 59