Liability and damages

We advise on liability and damages in the context of environmental law.

Environmental regulation involves a range of complex and diverse questions about liability and damages.

For example in relation to: 

  • the constitutional right to full compensation in expropriation cases
  • the interplay between public law and tort law rules in relation to polluters’ liability under i.a. the Danish Soil Contamination Act
  • public authorities’ liability in damages where an authority has made an invalid and/or unlawful decision causing the addressee or a third party  to sustain a financial loss. 

Moreover, the new and complicated rules on environmental liability and the special Liability for Environmental Damage Act add to the complexities. Questions of liability and damages may also arise in, for example, the relationship between buyers and sellers of contaminated land.

We have extensive experience in advising on questions of liability and/or damages in all of the above contexts and routinely represent clients in complaints, appeals and legal actions on these issues.


Kim Trenskow
Of Counsel (Aarhus)
Dir. +45 38 77 43 99
Mob. +45 20 19 74 26
Mads U. Østergaard
Director, Advokat (Aarhus)
Dir. +45 38 77 44 54
Mob. +45 61 61 30 28